What 2020 has taught us

Image of a female on a zoom call with a face mask on

So… we’re halfway through 2020 and into our second round of physical isolation in Melbourne. What are your learnings from this? Fair to say that most of us have had plenty of time for reflection!

For me, there have been lots of communications and marketing insights. Here are my top five.

  1. Consistent messaging is critical. Anything else completely undermines your efforts and confuses your audience. 

  2. You cannot over-communicate in a crisis or times of change. You need to be out there more than ever, updating your audience and being present for their questions – don’t let someone else make-up the answers because you’re not there.

  3. It’s time to take our projects off the back burner. We’ll be dealing with varying stages of physical isolation for many months to come, so we can no longer wait for a ‘better time’ to deliver our projects if we do we’ll be left behind.

  4. Now is not the time to reduce your marketing and advertising. Now is the time to stand out and build your brand, so that you are stronger on the other side of this.

  5. If your audience includes hard to reach communities, include representatives from these communities in your planning. They’ll be able to help you work out the best ways to connect with these communities.

Shout out to those who have learnt the above lessons the hard way. It’s been crazy times, and we’re all just doing our best.