Online business overwhelm

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You know you need to get the online side of your business working harder for you. But, it feels like there are so many options and new information to take in.

So, you explore one option and do a bit, and then explore another option, and do a bit more – but you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Therefore, you put it off, and it goes into the too hard basket again.

I get it. There seems to be more jargon and buzzwords in online business than ever before! But, there’s a trick to getting your online business sorted. It’s not a new trick, or anything complicated. It’s simple goal-driven task management. Breaking-down a big task or goal, like taking your business online, into manageable tasks – focusing on one element at a time.

Yes, that’s all good and well Letitia, but who’s going to break this task down for me?

I am. Yep, I know what it’s like to take your small business online, I’ve spent the past year helping many small businesses to navigate this tricky space. I found myself having the same conversations over again, breaking down the steps it takes to get your business working online, and thought – this is something every small business should have.

Therefore, I’ve created a free online marketing roadmap. This guide walks you through the steps you need to market your business online, the order to do them in, and tips to help you along the way.

Your journey to online marketing clarity awaits. Get your copy today!

Letitia Duncan